Majority of Scots want indyref2 in next five years, poll finds

An independence march through GlasgowAn independence march through Glasgow
An independence march through Glasgow
More than half of Scots want a second independence referendum in the next five years, according to new polling.

The Ipsos MORI survey for BBC Scotland found that 63% of people want another referendum, 34% within the next two years, 19% in two to five years, and 10% after the next five years.

More than a third (34%) are against a fresh vote.

Young people are more likely to support a second referendum in the next two years, with 46% backing a vote soon compared to 36% of those aged 35-54 and 22% of those aged 55 and over.

The survey also asked people's views on Brexit.

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Two thirds of the Scottish public (66%) believe the Brexit transition period should be extended for up to two years to allow more time for trade negotiations.

Almost a third (30%) feel the transition period should end on December 31 as planned.

Emily Gray, managing director of Ipsos MORI Scotland, said: "The indication is that Scots' attitudes are shifting during the coronavirus outbreak, and those campaigning on both sides of the independence debate in Scotland will be watching public opinion very closely over the coming weeks and months."

Ipsos MORI interviewed 1,006 Scottish adults by telephone between May 14-20.

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